The Wannabe Polymath

Hong Kong Protests are US Backed

by on Oct.08, 2014, under General

The Hong Kong protests are a manufactured event.  It is not an organic uprising of the Hong Kong people protesting Beijing.  How can I tell?  Because the news media is talking about it.  That should be everybody’s first clue.  News today has no obligation to cover every newsworthy event.  You are told what they want you to see.  If CNN is covering the Hong Kong protests obviously they want you to know about it.  So the question is why?  There are a couple reasons.  One is that the Press and Americans in general like news that paint China as totalitarian/Soylent Green state.  A quick way for a Chinese person to become famous is to have their art “banned” in China.  If it is not banned in China then it should tell us what we want to hear about it: “Women are oppressed and everyone is dirt poor.”

The other, main reason, is that the protests are Western backed:

I am not going to practice churnalism and rehash what this brilliant journalist has discovered.  Please go read it on his site.  Suffice it to say, this is an attempt to get Western backed politicians in control of Hong Kong.  A brilliant, evil, strategy to continue to surround China.  It will be a foothold on Beijing if successful.  What remains to be seen, is if, like the manufactured, scripted Occupy Wall Street, some real, organic, protests arise in an attempt to make real change.  One can only hope.

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