The Wannabe Polymath

Archive for October, 2014

Hong Kong Protests are US Backed

by on Oct.08, 2014, under General

The Hong Kong protests are a manufactured event.  It is not an organic uprising of the Hong Kong people protesting Beijing.  How can I tell?  Because the news media is talking about it.  That should be everybody’s first clue.  News today has no obligation to cover every newsworthy event.  You are told what they want you to see.  If CNN is covering the Hong Kong protests obviously they want you to know about it.  So the question is why?  There are a couple reasons.  One is that the Press and Americans in general like news that paint China as totalitarian/Soylent Green state.  A quick way for a Chinese person to become famous is to have their art “banned” in China.  If it is not banned in China then it should tell us what we want to hear about it: “Women are oppressed and everyone is dirt poor.”

The other, main reason, is that the protests are Western backed:

I am not going to practice churnalism and rehash what this brilliant journalist has discovered.  Please go read it on his site.  Suffice it to say, this is an attempt to get Western backed politicians in control of Hong Kong.  A brilliant, evil, strategy to continue to surround China.  It will be a foothold on Beijing if successful.  What remains to be seen, is if, like the manufactured, scripted Occupy Wall Street, some real, organic, protests arise in an attempt to make real change.  One can only hope.

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China and America War Potential

by on Oct.02, 2014, under General

In the future I will have some Chinese articles posted about a future war with America.  First, I want to make clear about how likely I see this being.  I have been hearing talk about the two countries fighting for a couple years now.  I am not sure what started people thinking the two countries will/should fight.  I have heard these rumors and speculation since at least 2008 if not earlier.  It seems odd to me, alot of the logic seems to be based on the want for an enemy who can bring a conventional war.  The logic now seems to be an “There can be only one” mentality with regards to a rich country.  I do not see any reason why there needs to be balance.  I think the world could be perfectly fine and safe if every country in the world was a rich superpower, let alone two.  The more the merrier.

The origins of war, as Plato wrote in The Republic (373e), is and was territorial disputes.  All war can be boiled down to claims for territory.  Hitler wanted lebensraum for Germany.  Hirohito wanted the resources of South Asia to fight off America’s oil embargo.  America wants oil from the Middle East today.  America and China have no territorial disputes.  However, China has territorial disputes with about everyone in and around its border.  These countries America has made their business America’s business.  If China and Japan start something, America will get involved.  If China and Vietnam or the Philippines start something America will get involved.  If China and Taiwan start something America will get involved.

China knows this.  China also knows there is no way they can fight America…….now.  In their own reports they say they will not be ready for any war until 2020-2025.  That is when they will be properly trained and equipped for a major conflict.  (Do those numbers sound familiar?  They should.  That is when the war with the machines happens in the Terminator movies.  That is when They in They Live said They will take over the world.  You see these years often used to predict an apocalyptic war, but that is another post entirely on predictive programming in entertainment.)

2020-2025 is pretty soon.  While I can see China beefed up enough to fight a major war, I am not entirely sure they will.  I think the status-quo will hold with the territorial disputes.  Nobody wants land badly enough to get the planet nuked (well, most people don’t.  See the end of this post.).  The Chinese aggressive posturing is Chinese Narcissism at play.  In everyday practice, and in geopolitics, the Chinese have a firm belief in escalating conflicts to get what they want.  They are Narcissists and so hold the childish habits of threatening not to be your friend anymore if they don’t get what they want.  In this case, they say things like “If you fly a plane over here, I’LL SHOOT IT DOWN!”.  Will they?  Maybe, maybe not.  That is what they are counting on.  In my experience, the best way to deal with this infantile behavior is to call the bluff.  Show the baby that you are the boss and are not afraid.

Another point, is that alot of Chinese people do love America.  Alot don’t, but alot do.  They spent their entire academic careers in America, many have married American men, they have close friendly ties with America.  Now, I predict that as America’s planned collapse occurs and China grows stronger, Chinese students and women will look elsewhere for their schools and husbands, but for now it is certainly the case that the American people are the Chinese people’s friend.

This,however, is too bad.  Because, there are some certain people in this world who do want to see a nuclear war.  They have wet dreams about the planet being destroyed.  This is the Powers That Shouldn’t Be, The Illuminati, They.  Their plan is for America to go down and China to go up and in the grand scheme of things, for everyone to die.  So, if their is a nuclear conflict involving all the major powers in the world.  That helps Them out.  After all, They want the world to have a good, steady population of under 500,000,000.

China and America might fight.  But it will not be because of any territorial claims, or because one country hates the other.  It will be an apocalyptic event to greatly reduce earth’s population orchestrated by The Powers That Shouldn’t Be.

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The Ten Books That have Stuck With Me

by on Oct.01, 2014, under General

As it is a bit of a thing right now, I will list the ten books that have stuck with me.

First and foremost: The Bible.  Before I get to the actual list, the Bible is above this list.  It has informed my thinking and defined myself and my world view more than anything.  But that is what religion does.  This list is about books.  But the Bible is not entirely disqualified either, because it is a book, The Book of Books, and I do in fact, read it every day and, literally, study it.  The Bible can, and should be, enjoyed for its literally qualities (if it is the King James Version or any translation of the Textus Receptus or the original) as well as for it’s historical merits.  I study and read it for all of this so it is on the list, but also off, because I want to list ten other books.

My top ten books and authors:

  1. Plato  I am a Platonist.  I believe in the Forms and believe that wisdom is understanding of the Forms.  Plato’s theory of the Tripartite Soul is the most comprehensive and sensible of the theories of the soul out there.  Further, he’s able to use it to explain how a person should live his life and form his thinking.
  2. Luo Guanzhong The Romance of Three Kingdoms   I learned alot from this book.  To oversimplify, the book is about contrasting loyalties and traditions.  (Who do you choose between family and friends?  Or an old tradition versus practicality?)  Not to mention the constant strategizing that makes up a bulk of the dialogue in the book.  It is a novel that will make you more intelligent.  Further, it was the first thing to get me interested in China.  At the time I had already studied Japanese, but this began my journey to China and Chinese.
  3. Journey to the West
    This is a fun adventure story, pure and simple.  A monkey happens to get Daoist powers and become invincible and immortal.  What would an intelligent monkey do with those powers in heaven?  Tear up the place.  What follows is a war between a monkey and Buddhist and Daoist gods.  It’s crazy fun and that is just the beginning.
  4. Ernie Pyle  I have read everything of Ernie Pyle’s.  I searched the antiquarian bookstores until I got all of his published books.  His stories of war stuck with me more than anything and influenced me in ways that I cannot describe.  I did wind up joining the Army.  So, he might have something to do with that.  At the same time, it was his writings that helped me come to peace with personal issues as well.
  5. John Toland
    John Toland is the author of historical narratives about World War 2.  He wrote during the 1970s.  His books were my first encounter with this brand of writing history: Do extensive research and turn it into a 100% factual novel, right down to the dialogue being actual conversations, word for word.  His book The Rising Sun was a part of my introduction to The East.  Also, he deserves props for proving, in historical narrative, that 12/7 was an inside job.  He wrote Infamy which was the result of his research for The Rising Sun.  Through exhaustive research he found that Pearl Harbor was an act of deliberate negligence on the part of the US.  I got a first edition, my understanding is that later editions were censored and revised.
  6. Homer  Homer is just one of those guys I keep going back to.  Namely, as an anchor for myself in Western Identity.
  7. Shifra Horn, Shalom, Japan
    This book is the definition of a book that “stuck with me”.  I just keep thinking about it even after all these years.  There was nothing profound about it, but it has stuck with me.  It is the story of a woman who lived in Japan for a couple years.  It is one of those culture shock books, a book about being a stranger in a strange land.  It is another book that said to me, “Go East.”
  8. Herman Melville, Moby Dick
    I read this as a kid.  Alot.  Maybe twenty times.  Yeah.
  9. Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams
    I have never woke up a single day without a dream to tell since I read this book.  Freud might be screwed up about alot of things, but he cracked the Dream Code.  I wrote about three college papers on this books.  The very first paper I ever wrote was about The Interpretation of Dreams.
  10. Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave This book was what brought everything together for me.  When I first discovering that the world is controlled by elite forces I could not understand how they could do it.  This answers it: Mind Control.  Real, legitimate mind control.  Not propaganda, not television, total mind control.  After I read this, I could see it everywhere.  It is the way out of the cave.


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