China and America War Potential
by Hamilcar on Oct.02, 2014, under General
In the future I will have some Chinese articles posted about a future war with America. First, I want to make clear about how likely I see this being. I have been hearing talk about the two countries fighting for a couple years now. I am not sure what started people thinking the two countries will/should fight. I have heard these rumors and speculation since at least 2008 if not earlier. It seems odd to me, alot of the logic seems to be based on the want for an enemy who can bring a conventional war. The logic now seems to be an “There can be only one” mentality with regards to a rich country. I do not see any reason why there needs to be balance. I think the world could be perfectly fine and safe if every country in the world was a rich superpower, let alone two. The more the merrier.
The origins of war, as Plato wrote in The Republic (373e), is and was territorial disputes. All war can be boiled down to claims for territory. Hitler wanted lebensraum for Germany. Hirohito wanted the resources of South Asia to fight off America’s oil embargo. America wants oil from the Middle East today. America and China have no territorial disputes. However, China has territorial disputes with about everyone in and around its border. These countries America has made their business America’s business. If China and Japan start something, America will get involved. If China and Vietnam or the Philippines start something America will get involved. If China and Taiwan start something America will get involved.
China knows this. China also knows there is no way they can fight America…….now. In their own reports they say they will not be ready for any war until 2020-2025. That is when they will be properly trained and equipped for a major conflict. (Do those numbers sound familiar? They should. That is when the war with the machines happens in the Terminator movies. That is when They in They Live said They will take over the world. You see these years often used to predict an apocalyptic war, but that is another post entirely on predictive programming in entertainment.)
2020-2025 is pretty soon. While I can see China beefed up enough to fight a major war, I am not entirely sure they will. I think the status-quo will hold with the territorial disputes. Nobody wants land badly enough to get the planet nuked (well, most people don’t. See the end of this post.). The Chinese aggressive posturing is Chinese Narcissism at play. In everyday practice, and in geopolitics, the Chinese have a firm belief in escalating conflicts to get what they want. They are Narcissists and so hold the childish habits of threatening not to be your friend anymore if they don’t get what they want. In this case, they say things like “If you fly a plane over here, I’LL SHOOT IT DOWN!”. Will they? Maybe, maybe not. That is what they are counting on. In my experience, the best way to deal with this infantile behavior is to call the bluff. Show the baby that you are the boss and are not afraid.
Another point, is that alot of Chinese people do love America. Alot don’t, but alot do. They spent their entire academic careers in America, many have married American men, they have close friendly ties with America. Now, I predict that as America’s planned collapse occurs and China grows stronger, Chinese students and women will look elsewhere for their schools and husbands, but for now it is certainly the case that the American people are the Chinese people’s friend.
This,however, is too bad. Because, there are some certain people in this world who do want to see a nuclear war. They have wet dreams about the planet being destroyed. This is the Powers That Shouldn’t Be, The Illuminati, They. Their plan is for America to go down and China to go up and in the grand scheme of things, for everyone to die. So, if their is a nuclear conflict involving all the major powers in the world. That helps Them out. After all, They want the world to have a good, steady population of under 500,000,000.
China and America might fight. But it will not be because of any territorial claims, or because one country hates the other. It will be an apocalyptic event to greatly reduce earth’s population orchestrated by The Powers That Shouldn’t Be.